Bring it.
This woman is officially on my dead list. It's like 10 lines long..just read it.
Annoying not just because she says that people in Los Angeles are stupid, but because she's just so damn New York self-righteous. And the worst part is, I bet she's one of those people who has only read the Da Vinci code. Sanj raised an excellent point the other day - the problem with New Yorkers isn't so much that they think they're better than everyone. It's that they feel the need to tell everyone how much better they are than everyone. Could they be any more insecure? It's like how I tell everyone that I'm seriously the coolest person I know.
I'm also kind of tired of everyone talking about how stupid and shallow Angelenos are. There are stupid and shallow people everywhere. Yeah Hollywood is shallow, but at least it knows it's shallow and makes fun of itself. That's what celebrity reality TV is - people in hollywood making tv shows about dumber people in hollywood. Because it's amusing, and partly to make the rest of the country feel better about itself. There, I've given depth to the shallowness. And to say that there's no art, blahpity blah. This city is full of some of the most talented people in the country who came here to try to "make it." Of course there are talent-less idiots here too, but let's not say that it's everyone.
Really, the thing with LA is, if you don't like it - quit your bitching and leave. There are plenty of people wanting to get in.
And yes, I'm aware that my blogging about an article from the post makes me pretty shallow :-)
yes, while it's questionable that this rumination of yours was prompted by that ass-wipe of a rag, i agree: nyers are not smarter than anyone else. they're just louder and cockier.
and i'm sure there are idiots in l.a. but are we saying there aren't idiots in n.y.? really? has she been to yankee stadium in the last, i don't know, 25 years???
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