Sona's Blog

Life has become very busy. This space is for me to share my experiences, ramblings and quirkiness with anyone who cares to read them. I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially if you're someone I used to talk to a lot but have lost touch with. Enjoy!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Is there anything Not uncertain?

*Note, I guess you can change prefs so anyone can comment on the blog. So anyone can comment! Yay!
It's really weird how uncertain my immediate future is. Sometimes invigorating, but generally scary. I can't believe it's already November. Wow. Seriously, how did this happen? With the blink of an is almost over?
Halloween was Awesome. I was the best lobster ever. I'm linking to pictures.
There was some dude at our halloween party who brought like live crawfish with him and was putting them in people's drinks when they werent looking. It was really weird. Anyway I duked it out with the fish. It was like battle of the sea creatures at the Pirate themed halloween party. It was nice to reconnect with friends from freshman and sophmore year at this party. Really nice felt like the good ol' century days again:0) Kevin had a great costume. He was a software pirate.
Speaking of links, I think that God was thinking of me when this was created:
u2 ipod
Could anything be more me? I dont think so.
Yay elections! I'm exicted about my first time voting. On thursday, i get to job shadow a graphics reporter at the LA Times. I think it'll be cool there because of all the post election coverage.
This past weekend was so rockin cuz i didnt do anything. I had a headache saturday which turned out to be a great excuse to just relax.
I love daylight savings because the first day you wake up with it, youre so much less tired and its so nice to see the sun out! i was happy today:)
K thats all.

Sanjiv rocks for calling me and talking to me for a half hour. I wanna go to europe!

ical is a great calendar program. use it.


Thank you to monika and salil for IMing me's always so nice to hear from people you rarely talk to. whoa, both norcal-ers:)

For this blog, I had to code the links by hand. That made me happy. I knew the html code! (even though web people know it's easy, it made me happy!)