Some thoughts.

So here's what I've been thinking about lately.
- The lady on my GPS device says "U-turn" like a dirty word. She says it kinda how a lot of other women say the word "panty." It's as if she doesn't want to say it at all, and I've offended the entire purpose of her existence because I made her say it. I don't mean to blatantly ignore her directions, forcing her to use that vile word...but sometimes I'd rather sing really loud loud to that Ingrid Michaelson "The Way I Am" song than listen to her. And Garrrrmin should take me the way I am.
- When I log into my B of A account online, there's this site key image that pops up for security. Every now and then they'll ask me to change my site key, and I have to pick an image and give it a name. I'm ALWAYS afraid that it's some kind of test and I'm naming it the wrong thing, and Mr. BofA Security guy is laughing at me through the monitor. "It's not just a CHEESE GRATER you fool," he'll say. "That's a multi-purpose box grater!" A while back they once showed me a wooden bowl, and I thought it was a fruit bowl..but then a month later I didn't remember naming it a fruit bowl and thought someone hacked into my account and changed it from "wooden bowl" to "fruit bowl." Mr. BofA Security guy probably got a big kick out of that one. I think what's more strange is that I still think there's an actual guy who stands there and reads all the site keys as part of his it wouldn't be automated or something. Just like there's a guy whose job it is to screw caps onto tubes of toothpaste at the Crest factory. I'm pretty sure I revised history to eliminate the industrial revolution.
- Couple things about songs right now: I can't listen to any song that uses the expression "Laffy taffy." It just gets on my nerves. I hate that Jordin Sparks "Tattoo" song because it sounds like she has the hiccups through the whole thing in the background.
- FINALLY, after 10 years of shopping at Express, I took advantage of a coupon I got in the mail without spending more than I would have had I not used the coupon. I'll explain. Many of you may have received these in the mail - it''s $20 off your purchase of $60, or $10 off your purchase of $20. So you think, "oh great, I'll walk out of there spending $40," which is damn near impossible to do because of their pricing structure. Everything is either like $19.50, or $39.50, and with nothing less than $12.50 in the store, it's virtually impossible to leave the store without feeling duped.
WELL, when I was in MN, where there is no sales tax on clothes, and where I purchased jewelry when it was buy one, get one 1/2 off (and the more expensive piece was already discounted), I mangaged to total around a cool $60.54. Take $20 off that, and I spent $40.54 on a nice top and two pairs of earrings. Go me! Yes, I know I'm a guju.