It's been a while!
Note: this blog is long, but i think it's order of importance. If youre a trooper though, you'll make it all the way through. =)
I can't believe I haven't blogged in like 11 days! 11 is my lucky number, in case you didn't know. Talk about busy. I had this massive project due yesterday morning, plus like 4 back to back scia events last week...but now i can breathe again! YAY! I still have a monkeyload of work to catch up on and this whole job thingie, but TODAY IS A NEW DAY! Scream went quite well, no fights or anything! And i really liked my outfit. It took forever to find though. I've decided that i Really don't like fashion this season, which sucks, but is kind of good because it makes me not want to buy anything.
Paramount says I can intern here next semester full time for as long as I need to til I find a job which is comforting. But it won't support my swinger lifestyle for long. I dunno what to be for halloween. I really want to be a big clown or a pumpkin, but when youre a young female adult I guess those costumes arent allowed anymore:( You have to be all skanked out. This is why I dont dress up for halloween anymore. Basically the costume should consist of a leotard and some sort of animal ears right? So what if i was a skanky lobster. Those are the only animal ears i have. I Am a sexy crustacean. Are lobsters crustaceans?
I made an appointment with a dermatologist. I'm kind of excited. It's like an adultish doctor. Which almost makes me an adult. Wait did I just suggest that I be a sexy crustacean for halloween?
Shit we just had a fire alarm at work. My honest to god first concern was saving my blog.
Random stuff:
Can I please reiterate how much i love u2 and dmb. i swear when apple did this whole u2/vertigo thing, it was like my 2 favorite things coming together. i was so happy i said "EEEEEEEEEEhh"
There are a lot of female journalism majors with noticeably annoying voices. I dont mean annoying like my voice, I mean this horrible..ugh i cant describe it. And they think theyre the most important people in the world. It's funny how in Annenberg you can distinctly tell the difference b/w comm and jour majors. And the comm majors are generally representing a sorority. I should get an SCIA sweatshirt in greek letters so i can fit in.
I was thinking really bad thoughts about one of the annoying voice girls in my class last night until I had a cubs outburts (side story: someone was saying how people only like the cubs cuz theyre funny and i was like "uh, people like the cubs cuz theyre the best team Ever" and the whole class started laughing. and my professor said "why dont you tell us how you really feel, sona?") Anyway it turns out annoying voice girl is from chicago so we bonded and her voice didn't sound so annoying afterward. And no she didnt have an accent.
But anyway, I'm going to stop saying and tinking mean things about people. Making fun of them is ok cuz it's what I do, but I never used to be this evil. I'm not an evil person. I'm a genuinely nice person, but over the last year, I dunno what's been going on. I think my TODAY IS A NEW DAY motto will help. k bye!